Those of us committed to humane treatment of animals, animal rescue, and the end of the killing of healthy, lovable companion animals all want the same thing. Right? Apparently not.
Yesterday on Facebook's Pawsitively Texas, Ryan Clinton, No Kill Advocate posted the link: PETA: All Pit-Bull Type Dogs Entering Shelters Should be Killed with his comment: "It's bad enough that PETA kills over 90% of the dogs & cats entering its Virginia Beach animal shelter. PETA also lobbies, for example, in this editorial, for other shelters to kill ALL of their impounded pit-bull-type dogs, regardless of age or temperament, because 'nice families' don't adopt pit bulls. This organization is not what Americans think it is."
What ensued pursuant to this post was a flurry of vehement back-and-forth comments that fell barely short of name-calling, with statements questioning not only PETA's operation, but also calling into question other organizations previously billed as bulwarks of humane rescue. Some commenters posed that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) was the spawn of Satan vs. others rebutting that no, they do wonderful work in saving animals. Some contended that certain organizations posing as rescue operations are just pawns of the puppy mill and industrial animal farming operations. Others said that these organizations are all we've every hoped and believed they were in the most positive sense.
Although I am not a vegetarian, let alone vegan as PETA advocates, I have sent donations to them in the past believing that they were doing good work. Similarly, I have viewed HSUS as a valuable presence in the animal rescue arena, particularly during disasters such as hurricanes and floods; and I have supported them with donations.
On an even more personal basis, I just learned two days ago that Ranger, a primary focus of this blog, has not received veterinary attention (neutering and vaccinations--not sure about heartworm prevention, but I have my doubts) in the three months he's been boarded at P.A.L. Monthly payments for Ranger's upkeep have been religiously submitted, with the assumption that this included his boarding and full vetting. Keep in mind that P.A.L. is owned by Butch Cappel about whom I've done over-the-top positive posts on this blog.
My husband Scott maintains the mantra, "Seek first to understand." I trust easily. I want to keep believing. And I am also the Queen of the Knee-jerk Reaction when I hear what seems to be bad news. I need to research all of these organizations and issues in more depth with the mindset of seeking first to understand. I don't want to do any of this. I want to be able to take people and organizations at their word. I don't want to be disappointed by my heroes.
But that is apparently no longer an option.
To follow further discussion and information on this topic, see Think Globally, Donate Locally.
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