Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Face and Voice of Reason

Yesterday's post, The Face of the Executioner, was based on Rep. Don Pridemore's proposed measure before the Wisconsin legislature to increase the number of dogs to 100 that "hobby breeders" can sell (or offer to sell) without a license. It would negate the 2009 legislation that had reduced that number to 25, and it seemed like a clear-cut case of pandering to the worst of puppy mill special interests.

When I posted the link to my blog piece on Facebook, our friend and family veterinarian Dr. Carla Christman commented:

Actually Liz, the new law [2009 legislation] does require shelters and rescue groups to be licensed too. It's a little bit of a PITA for some of our rescue groups that were doing a great job anyways. The new law may help some, but I think the jerk breeders will find ways around the new regulations much easier than the rescue groups will. It's a start to eliminating puppy mills, but EDUCATION campaigns to not have dumb ass people buy those dogs would be better.

At that point I had to question the 100% righteousness of my original knee-jerk reaction, but still had questions. I asked Dr. Carla:

Do you think Pridemore actually has the welfare of rescue groups at heart, or is that just a bi-product? So you think it's better to keep it at 100 dogs for licensing rather than fewer? It seems to me that even if the rescue groups have to be licensed as breeders (which makes absolutely NO sense to me), the lower number would be better for some baseline of enforcement. But then, I'm a dumbass in my own ways and perhaps don't understand any of the dynamics here.

I loved her response. 

I think he is probably sill a douche - just look at that picture of him! I too think the number needs to go lower (1!) and have all breeders licensed and available for inspection if we are to have any kind of control of favorable animal living conditions. It's actually called the "dog seller's permit" and that is why the rescue groups fall into the category. Then again, we've had quite a few "rescue groups and humane societies" be busted in the last few years for deplorable conditions too.

I still hold to my abhorrence of what Pridemore is trying to do. But I am grateful to Dr. Carla for pointing out some other aspects of this issue, and not allowing me to maintain a one-dimensional view. It's a great reminder to rotate the universal disco ball and look at the other facets of a situation that may not be immediately apparent.

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