Friday, July 8, 2011

Ranger Update

I just talked to Butch Cappel to get an update on Ranger. The news is not encouraging, which just means the miracle is taking a little longer than we had all hoped.

Ranger is high energy, so he gets wound up being in a kennel. When he was allowed to roam in an open fenced area to work off some of that pent-up energy, it was right about the time people started setting off fireworks. Ranger freaked and jumped the 6-foot fence. Now that he knows he is capable of such athletic feats, he can't be left alone because he wants to set new high-jumping records at every opportunity. So he has to stay in his kennel, which means he gets over-hyped, and then doesn't show well when potential adopters visit.

Sigh... Oh, Ranger.

Although I left messages for Phyllis Allison of Sunflower Hill Rescue trying to get an update on Bonnie, she has not returned my calls yet. Still waiting. Still hoping. For so much.

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